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A Select Catalogue of Drawings at West Wycombe Park

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This catalogue – comprising a selection of 66 drawings and 3 prints – is necessarily partial since it has been created to conform to the context of the case study, which concentrates on collecting and display at West Wycombe Park. The aspec… Read more

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: profile of entablature and frieze of inner face of portico

    Nicholas Revett, c.1771

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: pavement of west portico

    Nicholas Revett, c.1771

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: elevation and plan for west portico

    Robert Adam, c.1760–61

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: doorcase mouldings for portico

    Nicholas Revett, c.1770

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: design of entablature, frieze and base for the inner face of the portico

    Nicholas Revett, c.1770

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: west portico: design for ceiling of west portico

    Nicholas Revett, c.1771

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: south front: design with unbroken Tuscan Doric colonnade – unfinished version

    possibly Maurice-Louis Jolivet, for Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, c.1747–51

  • West Wycombe West Wycombe

    West Wycombe Park: south front: design with unbroken Tuscan Doric colonnade – finished version

    possibly Maurice-Louis Jolivet, for Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, c.1747–52