
Francis Dashwood, West Wycombe Park: north front: design with clock towers

Photo courtesy of Rodolfo Acevedo Rodriguez (All rights reserved)


Country House
West Wycombe
West Wycombe Park: north front: design with clock towers
Framed, hanging in the Study, location 080 on Dashwood list, AP 7, Witt 941/22 (5)
Medium and support
Pen and ink on paper
Overall height: 21.5 cm, Overall width: 45 cm
Francis Dashwood (1708-1781)
Catalogue Number
  • Dated on clocks and scale to 70 feet, pencil annotations of measurements added


This drawing shows a facade of 19 bays, its central section framed with pediment and pilasters; there is a suggestion of steps to the central doorway and unarticulated window embrasures; the clock-towers were probably added as an afterthought. The only dated drawing in the collection, it predates Dashwood’s second Italian tour; during his first in the early 1730s he had visited Padua and Venice.1

by Clare Hornsby


  1. John Ingamells, A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy, 1701–1800: Compiled from the Brinsley Ford Archive, New Haven and London: Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 1997, p. 278.


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